PFMS Payment

PFMS Status

How can I check my PFMS Payment? What is meant by PFMS in the bank account? How can I link my PFMS to my bank account? What is the PFMS payment Public Financial Management System (PFMS) Know Your PFMS Payment Know Your Payment, Through Find Scholarship Schemes DBT Aadhar Payment Status


PFMS Scholarship Online शुरू है जिसका अंतिम तिथि 31-10-2020 तक है

PFMS Scholarship

Public Financial Management System (PFMS) Know Your Payment, Through PFMS Find Scholarship Schemes DBT Mission Login Portal Track NSP Payments Public Financial Management System, through this you can know about scholarship schemes.

PFMS can check online Balance status, through Direct Benefit Transfer DBT, you can see all the payments you want to see on the PFMS portal. You can also get status information of payments

What is PFMS

Public Financial Management System (PFMS) पब्लिक फाइनेंशियल मैनेजमेंट सिस्टम इस माध्यम से आप स्कालरशिप Schemes के बारे में जान सकते हैं PFMS Online Payment स्टेटस चेक कर सकते हैं , डायरेक्ट बेनिफिट ट्रांसफर DBT के माध्यम से आप जितने भी पेमेंट देखना चाहते हैं पीएमएस पोर्टल पर देख सकते हैं आधार से जितने भी पेमेंट होते हैं उसका स्टेटस जानकारी प्राप्त कर सकते हैं

PFMS Payment Status Links

Know your Payment (Bank Payment)
Scholarship Schemes
Track NSP Payments
Public Financial Management
Official Website

Scholarship Schemes

पब्लिक फाइनेंसियल मैनेजमेंट सिस्टम पी एफ एम एस पोर्टल पर बहुत सारे जानकारी एक साथ आप देख सकते हैं सभी जानकारियों का लिंक आपको नीचे में मिलेगा वहां से आप चेक कर सकते हैं पीएमएस पोर्टल से जुड़ी जानकारी PFMS पोर्टल पर महत्वपूर्ण सेवाएं हैं जैसे

Scholarship to Universities/College StudentsClick Here
Post-Matric Scholarship for SC StudentsClick Here
Pre-Matric Scholarship for SC StudentsClick Here
National Means cum Merit ScholarshipClick Here


यहाँ से अपना Account कि स्थिति देखें:- Click Here

Scholarship SchemesClick Here
Track NSP PaymentsClick Here
Public Financial ManagementClick Here
Official WebsiteClick Here


फसल सहायता (फसल छती) ऑनलाइन शुरू है 2020 के लिए – Click Here

Scholarship to Universities/College StudentsClick Here
Post-Matric Scholarship for SC StudentsClick Here
Pre-Matric Scholarship for SC StudentsClick Here
National Means cum Merit ScholarshipClick Here
National Scheme for Incentive for the girl child for secondary educationClick Here
Top Class Education Scheme for SCClick Here
Up-gradation of Merit of SC StudentsClick Here
Post-Matric Scholarship for OBCsClick Here

Through PFMS, you can easily check the status of whatever payment is made through your direct benefits DBT Aadhaar payment.


National Scheme for Incentive for the girl child for secondary educationClick Here
Top Class Education Scheme for SCClick Here
Up-gradation of Merit of SC StudentsClick Here
Post-Matric Scholarship for OBCsClick Here